Run App

Run the app

Running the app is also pretty easy with the supplied docker-compose file

GITHUB_USER=${USER} GITHUB_TOKEN=${TOKEN} docker-compose -f docker-tools/docker-compose.yml up --build

The above command will build the images and setup all requires ports

Make sure to run the following when finished to ensure the network stops

docker-compose -f docker-tools/docker-compose.yml down

For Development the app

The problem comes up in development where you do not want to build your images from docker-compose cause it takes time

For this we have 2 development docker-compose files. One for debug and another for dev but not in debug mode.

These containers are using volumes to solve the problem. The pkg directory is mounted to the container and the entrypoint compiles the code You can set up Debug in the IDE connecting to port 40000. to start in debug mode run

GITHUB_USER=${USER} GITHUB_TOKEN=${TOKEN} docker-compose -f docker-tools/docker-compose.yml -f docker-tools/docker-compose-debug.yml up

or for non debug mode run

GITHUB_USER=${USER} GITHUB_TOKEN=${TOKEN} docker-compose -f docker-tools/docker-compose.yml -f docker-tools/docker-compose-dev.yml up

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