

  • Remember a connector could be a source or destination one. Each will need a set of configuration files (explained below) exported to astro


CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -mod=mod -a -installsuffix cgo -o ../impulse/docker-tools/compose-template/connector-test/dotcms/destination/testRunnerDestination ./cmd/test-runner-destination
  • Provide the configuration files under astro. For example for dotCMS + source (Github Link) the path would look like this: impulse/docker-tools/compose-template/connector-test/dotcms/source

    • astro-config-extension.conf: Property file for your testing binary.

    • config.json: Contains specific properties for each of the ks-min and ks-max types of testing.

    • content-mapping.json (optional): Content Mapper configuration, in order to work, the sync needs to have this file in both source and destination.

    • docker-compose.yml: Docker config for the tested system including the transformer and adapter.

    • curl commands to config system endpoints, taxis aand adapters for type ks-max

    • curl commands to config system endpoints, taxis aand adapters for type ks-min

Last updated

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