Definition Motation

What is Definition Motation?

The definition Motation object is a dependency of a content Motation. It defines the fields and additional properties. Many repositories may refer to this as a "content type" or a "collection type."

Definition Type

The definition types are the same as the content Motation type. As such, the definition for a content must be the same.

Motation Fields

The Motation fields for a definition are the same fields for a content Motation. These fields must align with the content Motation fields used.


Below is the structure of the definition Motation object and what each attribute is for. Every source connector that supports definition Motation objects must create a definition Motation with the required fields. And every destination connector supports definition Motation objects must support a definition Motation with only the required fields.

  • systems (*array | required) The system that the Motation came from.

    • name (*string | required) Name of the system.

    • date (*string | required) Date the Motation was built from the system.

    • version (*string | optional) Version of the system.

  • definition (*object | required) Definition for a content Motation. Repositories may refer to this as a "Content Type" or a "Collection Type."

    • id (*array | required) ID of the definition.

      • value (string | required) Single ID of the definition. Always an Impulse ID.

      • label (string | optional) Label of the ID.

    • properties (object | required) Properties for the definition.

      • uniquename (*string | required) Unique name of the definition within the repository.

      • type (enum | required) Type of content. Either "Content" or "File." Matches content Motation type.

      • description (*string | optional) Description of the definition.

      • name (*string | optional) Name of the definition.

      • creationDate (*string | optional) Creation date of the definition in the repository.

      • modificationDate (*string | optional) Last modification date of the definition in the repository.

      • path (*string | optional) Path where the definition lives.

      • site (*string | optional) Site where the definition lives.

      • motationType (*string | optional) The type of Motation.

      • system (object | optional) Key/Value repository specific values.

    • fields (*array | required)

      • id (*object | required) ID of the field. Matches content Motation field ID.

        • value (*string | required) Single ID of the field. Always an Impulse ID.

        • label (*string | optional) Label of the ID.

      • properties (*object | required) Properties for a specific field.

        • uniqueName (*string | required) Unique name of the field.

        • fieldType (enum | required) Motation field type of the field.

        • validations (*array | optional) Validation specific properties for the field.

          • required (*boolean | optional) Whether the field is required or not.

          • minLength (*int | optional) The minimum length of the field value.

          • maxLength (*int | optional) The maximum length of the field value.

          • regex (*string | optional) Any regex that the value must conform to.

        • constraints (*array | optional) Constrain specific properties for the field.

          • unique (*boolean | optional) Whether the field value must be unique.

          • readOnly (*boolean | optional) Whether the field value is read only.

          • fixed (*boolean | optional) Whether the field value is fixed.

        • display (*array | optional) Display specific properties for the field.

          • showInList (*boolean | optional) Whether the field should be shown in a list.

          • searchable (*boolean | optional) Whether the field is searchable.

          • hint (*string | optional) Hint text to be displayed with the field.

        • system (object | optional) Key/Value repository specific values.

        • order (*int | optional) Order of the field with respect to other fields in the definition.

        • name (string | optional) Name of the field.

        • setUpData (*array | optional) Setup data specific properties for the field.

          • key (*string | required) Key for the setup data.

          • value (*string | required) Value for the setup data.

          • order (*int | required) Order of the setup data relative to other setup data properties.

        • description (string | optional) Description of the field.

        • defaultValue (string | optional) Default value of the field.

        • creationDate (string | optional) Creation date of the field in the repository.

        • modificationDate (string | optional) Last modification date of the field in the repository.

        • relationship (*object | optional) Additional data for relationship fields. Required when fieldType is "Relationship. "

          • ID (*object | required) ID of the relationship.

            • value (*string | required) Single ID of the relationship. Always an Impulse ID.

            • label (*string | optional) Label of the ID.

          • UniqueName (*string | required) The unique name of the child definition for a relationship field.

  • key (*object | required) Used to create a unique ID based on a hash of values from fields.

    • fields (*array | required) The fields in the definition Motation to use to build the hash.

      • name (string | required) Name of the field to use in the hash ID.

      • id (array | required) ID of the field.

        • value (string | required) Single ID of the field.

        • label (string | optional) Label of the field.

  • audit (*array | required)

    • date (*string | required) Date the raw data was picked up.

    • user (*object | optional) User that picked up the definition.

      • id (*object | required) ID of the user.

        • value (*string | required) Single ID value for the user. Always Impulse ID.

        • label (*string | optional) Label for the ID.

      • name (*string | optional) Name associated with the user.

      • email (*string | optional) Email associated with the user.

      • username (*string | optional) Username associated with the user.

Last updated

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