Relationship Motation
What is Relationship Motation?
The relationship Motation object is a dependency of a content Motation. It defines any relationships related to a content Motation.
Below is the structure of the relationship Motation object and what each attribute is for. Every source connector that supports relationship Motation objects must create a relationship Motation with the required fields. And every destination connector supports relationship Motation objects must support a relationship Motation with only the required fields.
systems (*array | required) The system that the Motation came from.
name (*string | required) Name of the system.
date (*string | required) Date the Motation was built from the system.
version (*string | optional) Version of the system.
relationships (*array | required) List of relationships associated with a content Motation.
id (*object | required) ID of the relationship.
value (*string | required) Single ID of the relationship. Always an Impulse ID.
label (*string | optional) Label of the ID.
definition1FieldId (*string | required) Field ID for definition 1 (parent definition). Matches field ID in definition Motation.
definition2FieldId (*string | required) Field ID for definition 2 (child definition). Matches field ID in definition Motation.
definition1FieldName (*string | required) Field name for definition 1 (parent definition). Matches field name in definition Motation.
definition2FieldName (*string | required) Field name for definition 2 (child definition). Matches field name in definition Motation.
definition1Id (*string | required) ID for definition 1 (parent definition). Matches ID in definition Motation.
definition2Id (*string | required) ID for definition 2 (child definition). Matches ID in definition Motation.
cardinality (enum | required) The Motation cardinality of relationship. "ManyToMany," "OneToMany," "ManyToOne," or "OneToOne."
system (object | optional) Key/Value repository specific values.
key (*object | required) Used to create a unique ID based on a hash of values from fields.
fields (*array | required) The fields in the domain Motation to use to build the hash.
name (*string | required) Name of the field to use in the hash ID.
id (*object | required) ID of the field.
value (*string | required) Single ID of the field.
label (*string | optional) Label of the field.
audit (*array | required)
date (*string | required) Date the raw data was picked up.
user (*object | optional) User that picked up the definition.
id (*object | required) ID of the user.
value (*string | required) Single ID value for the user. Always Impulse ID.
label (*string | optional) Label for the ID.
name (*string | optional) Name associated with the user.
email (*string | optional) Email associated with the user.
username (*string | optional) Username associated with the user.
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