Tips and Tricks

Start Astro with all connectors

To start Astro with all connectors so they register them selves to the connector-depot run astro start with all the connector options.

./ start :contentstack :dotcms :github :graphql :scp :strapi :strapi4

This command will start all the connectors that Astro currently has without starting a repo. This allows each connector to register to the connector-depot to allow the UI to fully work.

As more connectors are added to Astro, this command will need to include the appropriate :<connector> option.

Update docker images

The astro.conf file contains all the docker images to start any docker container Astro starts. To update a container to a new docker image, you will need to update the appropriate variable in the astro.conf file, stop and remove the currently running docker container, run astro start with the appropriate options.

Example: update sync manager

The following are terminal commands that to run to update the sync manager container with a new image. Before running these commands ensure the astro.conf file is updated with the correct images.

docker kill sync-manager-app
docker rm sync-manager-app
./ start

Example: update strapi4 connector

The following are terminal commands to run to update the strapi4 connector containers with new images. Before running these commands ensure the astro.conf file is updated with the correct images.

docker kill transformer-in-strapi4-app
docker rm transformer-in-strapi4-app
docker kill transformer-out-strapi4-app
docker rm transformer-out-strapi4-app
docker kill adapter-read-strapi4-app
docker rm adapter-read-strapi4-app
docker kill adapter-write-strapi4-app
docker rm adapter-write-strapi4-app
./ start :strapi4

Note: Only the containers with updated images need to be killed and removed. This example shows updating all of the strapi4 connector images at once.

Note: Container names do not often change, but you can use docker container ls -a to find the container names before killing and removing the container. (dotCMS adapters will likely have variable names)

Last updated