Running Impulse

There are different docker-compose commands used to start impulse based on what content you want to sync.

Start by pathing to the root Impulse.

cd <checkout location>/impulse

Then choose what you want to start Impulse with.

Impulse Only

docker-compose -f docker-tools/docker-compose.yml up --build

Impulse and Source dotCMS

docker-compose -f docker-tools/docker-compose.yml -f docker-tools/docker-compose-dotCMS-source1.yml up --build

Impulse and Destination dotCMS

docker-compose -f docker-tools/docker-compose.yml -f docker-tools/docker-compose-dotCMS-destination1.yml up --build

Impulse, Source dotCMS, and Destination dotCMS

docker-compose -f docker-tools/docker-compose.yml -f docker-tools/docker-compose-dotCMS-source1.yml -f docker-tools/docker-compose-dotCMS-destination1.yml up --build

Last updated