
How to upload impulse license

Impulse License

The impulse license file (license.dat) will be provided by Motiv to be uploaded to diesel. The license is required to execute any synchronization job. Here are described the steps to upload the provided license file.

Public Key

Motiv will provide also a public key used to verify the provided license. The public key has to be included in the sync-manager docker container(s) using the environment variable LICENSE_PUBLIC_KEY:


Make sure to include this environment variable before starting the impulse application.

The provided license file is encoded. In order to print the information included in the license, you can use the command line tool print-license provided by Motiv:

print-license <license-file>

Verify License

You can verify the signature for the provided license by running the command line tool verify-license provided by Motiv. This tool will also signal if the license is already expired.

verify-license <license-file> <public-key-file>

Upload License to Diesel

Impulse will read the license from diesel before starting a new synchronization job, and it will trigger an error if the license is not valid. You can use the command line tool upload-license provided by Motiv to upload the license file to diesel:

upload-license --dieselURL <diesel-URL> --organization <organization> 
    --user <user> --password <password> [--bucket <bucket>] [--target <target>]

By default, if no bucket and target location are specified, the license file will be uploaded to this default location in diesel:

  • Bucket: impulse

  • Target location: license.dat

You can also upload the license file by sending an HTTP request directly to diesel. For the request payload, you should use the license file content. Also, you should use janus for authentication because the diesel service is only accessible through the private path in the Janus gateway. See Janus documentation for more information on how to use Janus to authenticate and send requests through the private path. You should also include an x-organization header in the request to include the appropriate organization id. Here is the request to send the license file to diesel:

PUT /<janus-gateway>:<janus-port>/private/diesel/files/<bucket>/<location>

In case you use a bucket or a target location different than the default ones to upload the license file (the default bucket is 'license' and the default location under that bucket is 'license.dat'), you also should use these environment variables in the sync-manager docker container:


Make sure to include these environment variables before starting the impulse application.

Last updated