Add Replace Field

The add-replace-field manipulator adds a field to the definition of a content type and, also, could replace the value of an existing field.

You can use this manipulator to copy values from an existing field in the content type or to set a default value for the new/updated field.


It is important to note that all these field... (i.e. fieldId, fieldType, etc) properties are motation properties, they have to use the same syntax as the motation system. Just like the ones used in the connector's Transformers.



When to run this manipulator? Set one of the following options: ALWAYS, VALUE_EMPTY, FIELD_NOT_EXISTS, REGEX



Regular Expression to match the Field Value

Only when REGEX was selected above


ID of the field to add



Type of the field to add



Value to set for the field



Name of the field to add



Motation System type of the field to add



Order of the field to add



How to use

It is very straightforward to use this manipulator. You just need to:

  1. Set runManipulator to one of the options and set the runManipulatorRegex if you selected REGEX in the previous step. Note: if you select a non-valid option, the manipulator will select FIELD_NOT_EXISTS by default. The options are:

    1. ALWAYS will always run the manipulator.

    2. VALUE_EMPTY will run the manipulator only if the value of the field is empty or doesn't exist.

    3. FIELD_NOT_EXISTS will run the manipulator only if the field doesn't exist.

    4. REGEX will run the manipulator only if the value of the field matches the runManipulatorRegex.

  2. Set the fieldId, fieldType and fieldValue properties. Like you would do in the motation system.


This manipulator can be used only on read


It could be any of the Motation's TypeEnum, for example: String BigString Boolean Integer BigInteger Decimal Float ... These Field type values are what we use in relation to our motation in order to manipulate the content these exact motation field types can be found in our Connector Matrix


The fieldValue property can be set to a hardcoded value or to another field value using brackets {{another-field-id}}. For example, if you want to set the value of the field to the value of another field, you can do it like this:

Let's say you "Headline" at source needs to be "Headline" and "Mobile Headline" at destination. You can do it like this:

  "name": "Add-Field-Motator",
  "contentType": "voyage",
  "applyOn": "read",
  "order": 1,
  "config": {
    "runManipulator": "FIELD_NOT_EXISTS",
    "fieldId": "mobileHeadline",
    "fieldType": "String",
    "fieldValue": "{{headline}}",
    "fieldName": "Mobile Headline",
    "fieldSystemType": "Symbol",
    "fieldOrder": "2"

Assuming you have a field called "Headline" in your content type, with an id of "headline", the value of the field "mobileHeadline" will be the value of the field "headline".

You could even merge fields, like this:

  "name": "Add-Field-Motator",
  "contentType": "voyage",
  "applyOn": "read",
  "order": 3,
  "config": {
    "runManipulator": "ALWAYS",
    "fieldId": "merged",
    "fieldType": "BigString",
    "fieldValue": "Merged Text: {{headline}} - {{body}}",
    "fieldName": "Merged",
    "fieldSystemType": "Text",
    "fieldOrder": "3"


This would be the API call for a job with this manipulator (also using Regex manipulator):

"mutate": {
      "motatorsBinary": [
          "name": "Add-Replace-Field-Motator",
          "contentType": "informa",
          "applyOn": "read",
          "order": 1,
          "config": {
            "runManipulator": "FIELD_NOT_EXISTS",
            "fieldId": "mobileHeadline",
            "fieldType": "String",
            "fieldValue": "{{headline}}",
            "fieldName": "Mobile Headline",
            "fieldSystemType": "Symbol",
            "fieldOrder": "1"
          "name": "Regex-Motator",
          "contentType": "informa",
          "applyOn": "read",
          "fieldName": "body",
          "order": 2,
          "config": {
            "regex": "dummy",
            "replace": "pretty smart"
          "name": "Add-Replace-Field-Motator",
          "contentType": "informa",
          "applyOn": "read",
          "order": 3,
          "config": {
            "runManipulator": "NOT_CORRECT_CONFIG",
            "fieldId": "merged",
            "fieldType": "BigString",
            "fieldValue": "Merged Text: {{headline}} - {{body}}",
            "fieldName": "Merged",
            "fieldSystemType": "Text",
            "fieldOrder": "3"
          "name": "Add-Replace-Field-Motator",
          "contentType": "informa",
          "applyOn": "read",
          "order": 4,
          "config": {
            "runManipulator": "VALUE_EMPTY",
            "fieldId": "emptyField",
            "fieldType": "String",
            "fieldValue": "{{headline}} -- This was empty",
            "fieldName": "Empty Field",
            "fieldSystemType": "Symbol",
            "fieldOrder": "4"
          "name": "Add-Replace-Field-Motator",
          "contentType": "informa",
          "applyOn": "read",
          "order": 5,
          "config": {
            "runManipulator": "VALUE_EMPTY",
            "fieldId": "notEmptyField",
            "fieldType": "String",
            "fieldValue": "{{headline}} -- This was not empty",
            "fieldName": "Not Empty Field",
            "fieldSystemType": "Symbol",
            "fieldOrder": "5"
          "name": "Add-Replace-Field-Motator",
          "contentType": "informa",
          "applyOn": "read",
          "order": 6,
          "config": {
            "runManipulator": "FIELD_NOT_EXISTS",
            "fieldId": "existingField",
            "fieldType": "String",
            "fieldValue": "This Field shouldn't have this value",
            "fieldName": "Existing Field",
            "fieldSystemType": "Symbol",
            "fieldOrder": "6"
          "name": "Add-Replace-Field-Motator",
          "contentType": "informa",
          "applyOn": "read",
          "order": 7,
          "config": {
            "runManipulator": "ALWAYS",
            "fieldId": "alwaysField",
            "fieldType": "String",
            "fieldValue": "This Field is always updated",
            "fieldName": "Always Field",
            "fieldSystemType": "Symbol",
            "fieldOrder": "7"
          "name": "Add-Replace-Field-Motator",
          "contentType": "informa",
          "applyOn": "read",
          "order": 8,
          "config": {
            "runManipulator": "REGEX",
            "runManipulatorRegex": "This is regex original",
            "fieldId": "regexField",
            "fieldType": "String",
            "fieldValue": "Regex value updated",
            "fieldName": "Regex Field",
            "fieldSystemType": "Symbol",
            "fieldOrder": "8"
          "name": "Add-Replace-Field-Motator",
          "contentType": "informa",
          "applyOn": "read",
          "order": 9,
          "config": {
            "runManipulator": "REGEX",
            "runManipulatorRegex": "Not matching regex",
            "fieldId": "regexNotMatchingField",
            "fieldType": "String",
            "fieldValue": "Regex value updated",
            "fieldName": "Regex Not Matching Field",
            "fieldSystemType": "Symbol",
            "fieldOrder": "9"

Last updated