Content Aligner

Property name:

  1. sourceAlignerFields

  2. destinationAlignerFields

List of fields unique-names to align. If not specified, default connector id will be used.

The aligner field values will be joined to create a unique id for the content. This unique id (aligned id) will be used across the sync process to identify the content.


  1. The fields must be unique across the content type.

  2. All endpoints must have sourceAlignerFields, destinationAlignerFields defined (source and targets).

supported connectors

  • Contentful

  • Contentstack

  • Strapi v3

  • Strapi v4

  • dotCMS

Field Aligning

When editing a mapping for a job, you can set the source and destination aligner fields. If the connector for the endpoints supports listing fields, a dropdown can be opened to select the fields.

This is a comma separated list of fields. Each field listed will be used to align content between the endpoints.

Last updated