Single Content Type to Multiple


Assume that there is a single content type at the source. But at the destination this single content type should be split into multiple (2+) content types.

We need to be able to:

  1. Sync a single content type to multiple content types

  2. Select specific content to pick up from the source


ImpulseSync can solve this with a job per destination content type to sync to.

Every job is set up with job options and content mapping to sync article contents to a different destination content type. This allows us to sync the article content type to the required destination content types.

The following are two examples of content mappings for different jobs. Notice that the destination content type is different.

Next we'll add job options to the jobs so each job will only pick up a subset of the source article contents. This way not all articles are synced to each content type. Instead, each job will only pick up the articles that match a specific query which will determine what source contents are synced to the chosen destination content type.

This config for the source endpoint of a job will query the system based on the query value {"article_label.uid":"bltc291661ba3c6cf51"}. This query value is for a Contentstack system and will search query for articles that have a specific article label referenced. When this job runs only articles that are returned with that query will be picked up and synced.

The following config is another job's source endpoint job options configuration. Notice that the query is a different value since we want this job to query for a different set of articles.

Once all the jobs are created, each job can be run to sync the queried articles to the appropriate destination content type.

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