Reference to Value

Case 1: Destination wants to use specific field from a referenced content

Assume you have a source content type: Excursion that has a reference field to a Destination content type. See content model:

This is how the source content of type Excursion looks like:

This is the referenced Destination content, take a look to the Name field, that's the one we want to use in the target endpoint:

In the target endpoint, we have a content type Excursion that has a field Location that is a text field. See content model:

The value of the Location field in the target endpoint will be the value of the Name field of the referenced Destination content.


ImpulseSync can solve this with 2 jobs and couple manipulators. We will use both the store-field and get-set-field manipulators.

Step 1: Create a job to sync the referenced content: Destination

  • First we create the job to sync the referenced content: Destination from the source endpoint to the destination endpoint.

  • Next we set up the store-field manipulator.

This manipulator is configured to store the value of the Name field of the referenced content: Destination. This variable can be referenced later by the get-set-field manipulator.

Step 2: Create a job to sync the referencing (main) content: Excursion

  • First we create the job to sync the referencing (main) content: Excursion from the source endpoint to the target endpoint.

  • Next we set up the get-set-field manipulator.

This manipulator is configured to get the value of the Name field of the referenced content: Destination and set it to the Location field of the referencing (main) content: Excursion.

Step 3: Run the jobs

Now we can run the jobs and see the results.

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