

Liquid includes many logical and comparison operators. You can use operators to create logic with control flow tags.

Basic operators




does not equal


greater than


less than


greater than or equal to


less than or equal to


logical or


logical and

For example:

{% if product.title == "Awesome Shoes" %}
  These shoes are awesome!
{% endif %}

You can do multiple comparisons in a tag using the and and or operators:

{% if product.type == "Shirt" or product.type == "Shoes" %}
  This is a shirt or a pair of shoes.
{% endif %}


contains checks for the presence of a substring inside a string.

{% if product.title contains "Pack" %}
  This product's title contains the word Pack.
{% endif %}

contains can also check for the presence of a string in an array of strings.

{% if product.tags contains "Hello" %}
  This product has been tagged with "Hello".
{% endif %}

contains can only search strings. You cannot use it to check for an object in an array of objects.

Order of operations

In tags with more than one and or or operator, operators are checked in order from right to left. You cannot change the order of operations using parentheses — parentheses are invalid characters in Liquid and will prevent your tags from working.

{% if true or false and false %}
  This evaluates to true, since the `and` condition is checked first.
{% endif %}
{% if true and false and false or true %}
  This evaluates to false, since the tags are checked like this:

  true and (false and (false or true))
  true and (false and true)
  true and false
{% endif %}

Last updated