Storing fields with Store field motator

Case 1: Storing Values from content structure to use later.

we have a value in this content type that we need to store in impulse in order to use this value later and set it up in a correct mannor in the destination for example, we have a value that is wrapped in a image wrapper and we want to move it out of this image wrapper we need to run a job with impulse ssync in roder to unwrap this image and save the values to then use the values later on with another job this is done through the power of the impusle sync content maniuplator

We have some content in contentful of a Image in a few relationship fields and we are going to be getting the image and then move the image over out of these image wrappers in contentful we do this through impulse sync.


we use this store field in order to save the value and get into the image of this wrapper now the best practice and way to do this is to set up a job specifically for this operation that means we will be applying a few settings to this job in order to have a

step 1: Create a job to sync the content type. All we need to do for this step is create a job with the endpoint option at the destination with "noDeliver" this way the content will not be delivered at the destination in order to not mess up any of our destination content structure.

step 2: setting up content manipulator In this contnet manipulator the configuration is simple as we just need the content type value and the id of the field that we want to save, it should look something like the configuration below.

step 3: setting up the job in order to use the stored field

This also uses a impulse sync monipulator and this one is the Get set field manipulator, this uses the stored cotnenttype value and get field id of teh destination field id that we want to set this to, for instance we are taking the image from our source wrapped in contentfuls image wrapper and placing it in just a image field in our destination with heroImage.

step 4: run the job. The final step would be to run this job and have our content sync over with the newly replaced image wrapper from source to just a image field in the destination

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