
The markdown motator will transform your content to a marked down format of content ino order to be changed


Content type

specify the source content to pick up and change


Field name

specify the source field to pick up and change


Apply on

When these changes will apply in motation



The order the motators will apply



How to use

This markdown motator requires a content type from the soruce to specify what content is being manipulated.

Content Type will specifiy the Content type you want this to apply to, fil this value in with whatever your native CMS content type name is.

Field Name This value shoudl be filled with what field in your content type specifically you want to target for (example if you wanted to target a text field inside your content type you would fill this field with what your text fields name is inside the CMS)

Apply On This will choose when these changes take place in the transaction process. Read = Source and Write = Destination it is good practice to keep it as Read that will give you the best and most accurate results.

Order This will be for when multiple motators are applied to a single job choosing the order of these will make it so the lowest numbered motator applies first then the next one and so on.


Using the motator allows you to transform content from rich text fields bold tags anything marked up will break down and mark it down to format it. Using this motator to change your content from marked up fields in your source to be changed into marked down more applied and adaptable for different use cases.

Last updated