Step 2a: Content manipulators

overview of content manipulator.

Content manipulators allow us to change and manipulate content we have a wide variety of different content manipulators but we are able to change and manipulate content with our configuration, in this example we will be using the Regex content manipulator we have a wide variety of content manipulators but for this demo we will be using this one. This content manipulator in specific will search content or a string of words and replace it with whatever we fill the field in with.

Content manipulators can only be applied to jobs and aren't applied to endpoints themselves but we define the timing of when these changes should apply form a content manipulator. Each content manipulator has different set up that you can see here, for now were going to be walking through the concepts of setting one up and specifically in this case setting up a regex manipulator. Lets take a look at the Regex content manipulator we have a few fields from:

-fieldName: This is the field name variable that applies the regex to this is the field that impulse will serach for a correct match of the inputted regex string. This is a common value to fill in setting up a content manipulator and this uses the variable of the platform we are syncing content from. -regex: The string we add that impulseSync will use to find and replace content. -replace: This is what the searched regex string will be replaced with. -sourceContentType: Most content manipulators can be used on both source and destination part of a sync this means either the manipulation will apply when the content is picked up OR when the content is dropped off at the destination for best performance and consistency we recccomend using it when the content is read/picked up.

This content manipulator will search the string we put in under the "replace" field, and change the content so we can put in a simple string of what the variable is of our field content we want to have changed when its synced to the destination. For this lets have it apply on when the content is picked up so when the content is picked up by impulsesync it will apply this manipulation before syncing the content to the destination. To do this we simply need to add the field variable name that we want to manipulate, for this example in our content type we have a field called "title" so we will fill this field with title in order to change and replace it in the destination. Next we must add a regex that we want and we will add a string that needs to be searched which will be the value of our title field in this case "Technology and Architecture", Now we must add a value for the replace field this is what we will be replacing the value of the title field with, lets replace it with "Ins and Outs of ImpulseSync". This means its now all configured and ready to go if you have a been following these steps exactly it should look something like this:

The next thing to set up after adding a content manipulator is the Content Mapper.

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