Changing a folder path


Assume the source system has assets along a long folder path. But the destination system only allows a few nested folders.

To fully sync these assets we need to be able to:

  1. Adjust what folders will be created

  2. Adjust where the assets will live


ImpulseSync can solve this with the folder manipulator.

In this example there is a single folder path that includes 6 folders. We want to only keep the last folder as the folder at the destination. So we need to replace the folder path and remove all the other folders.

This can be done with a single job with two folder manipulators.

First set up the job to pickup the assets.

Then the first folder manipulator config is to replace the folder path where the assets currently live at the source to where they should live at the destination.

The second folder manipulator config is to remove all the other folder paths. This way no other folders will be created at the destination.

Once the job runs, the destination will have a single folder with the assets in that folder.

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