Troubleshooting via UI

Checking Endpoint Config

Check that the endpoints you are using have the correct config by updating it.

screen shots coming

Checking Job Config

Check that the job you are running has the correct config by updating it.

Diff Report

If the sync finished but the content didn't sync as expected you can use the diff report to get some information about what happened. i.e., a synced content was created on the destination instead of being updated.

Number of Content

You can quickly check the number of main content that was synced to the destination by viewing the diff report. The "Summary" section shows the "Total Diffs" which will be the number of contents synced from the source endpoint to the destination endpoint.

Diff Type

Checking the diff type will quickly determine if Impulse synced the content as a new content or if it updated an existing content. Simply check the type of the content. The "Summary" section will give an overview of the number of main content that were synced and how many of them updated existing content or created a new content.

In this transaction all the content synced from the source created new content in the destination.

Diff Details

You can also use the diff report to view the details of "Updated" content. This will show what fields were updated and how their value changed.

Finding Transaction Id

You can find the transaction id by navigating to the reports page and clicking the run "Show More Details" action this will help you locate the transaction id in order to contact support for additional assistance


Messages will be sent when encountering an error during a Jobs transaction process. You can check the messages page and see where the job error'd during its sync.

Contacting Support

Before you contact support, you should have already performed the above suggestions. If there is still a problem and you contact support you should provide the following with the initial message.

  1. A detailed description of the problem

  2. Transaction ID for problematic transaction

  3. Last 5 unique transaction report details for problematic transaction

    1. including detail data for some of these records will be helpful as well.

  4. All messages for the date range as the transaction

    1. The last few messages may not be enough, especially if many jobs are running. It is best to send as many messages as possible.

Last updated