Delivery from Snapshots

Once a snapshot is created, a job can be created to delivery from that snapshot to any destination.

Endpoint Config

To deliver from a snapshot, a snapshot requires an endpoint using the snapshot source connector.

Each source snapshot must be a separate endpoint.

Job Config

Once the endpoint for the snapshot is created, a job can be created using that snapshot's endpoint as the source for the job.

The Contenttype job option is required to be set. This must match the value from the snapshot details for the content type to be delivered.

The Jobid job option is optional when only 1 job exists in a snapshot. It is required when there is more than 1 job in a snapshot.

The rest of the job config is the same as creating any other job. Following the required options for the chosen destination(s) and using any manipulators required.

Running a job

A job with a source snapshot endpoint works the same as any other job. Running a regular transaction will compare the source and destination content to determine what is required to be delivered.

If a job should deliver all content when it is run, then you must run a full sync.

Last updated