Creating Jobs


Jobs can only have a single source. Jobs with more than one source will not sync content and run forever. Transactions started with this job configuration should be canceled. We intend to add support for multiple jobs in the future.

Create a Job - Walk Through

Once at least two endpoints are created, you can create a job.

Start by selecting "Jobs" from the left. Then press the "Create Job" button on the right.

Adding endpoints

Selecting a Source Endpoint

This will take you to the job creation screen. You will see a list of all the endpoints you've created that can be used as a source. These are endpoints with a connector level 2 or 3. You will need to select one of these endpoints to use as your source.

For this walk through we will select the endpoint named "my-source-endpoint" for this job.

Note: Jobs only support 1 source endpoint. If there is more than 1 source endpoint the job will not work.

Source Job Options

Now we can add the job options for our endpoint. Start by pressing the "See More Options" button.

This will open a drawer on the right side of the screen with various job options the endpoint has. Each option can be added with the green '+' button to the left of the option.

For now, simply add the "Contenttype" option. Then close the drawer by clicking outside it.

Now that we've add the job option, we'll use it to determine the type of content we want to pick up from the source. After setting the job options, we can save our config with the "Save Changes" button in the bottom right.

This takes us back to the "Add Source Endpoint" screen. Since we only want to add one source endpoint, we can click the "Next" button in the bottom right to start adding destination endpoints.

Selecting a Destination Endpoint

Now we want to add a destination endpoint to our job.

We'll again see a list of all our endpoints that can be selected as a destination. These are endpoints with a connector level 1 or 3. From this list we'll select the "my-destination-endpoint".

Destination Job Options

Now the job options page for our destination endpoint is displayed. We can select the job options to add by pressing the green "See More Options" button.

This will open a drawer on the right side where you can select your job options to add. Because this is a destination endpoint and thus a different connector, the options listed are expected to be different. For now, we'll only add the "Contenttype" option here as well.

And populate that with the content type we want to check for existence on the destination repo.

Now that all the job options we want have been added, we'll save the config by pressing the "Save Changes" button in the bottom right which will take us back to the "Add Destination Endpoints" screen.

For destinations endpoints, you could pick multiple destination endpoints and configure each one. This allows you to sync the same content from the selected source to multiple destinations. However for this walk through we'll only add 1 destination endpoint.

Now that we added the destination endpoints we wanted, we can move to the "Job Preview" screen by pressing the "Next" button found in the bottom right.

Select Motator Binary (Optional)

Next step, you can choose Motator Binaries for this job. Picking none or more from current available Motator Binaries list to config content mapper while running this job.

Add default value for motator binary

After picking up 1 motator binary, you can review its name again and also input some default fields.

You can choose more optional fields specific for each motator by clicking on See More Options, like when picking up endpoints.

A drawer will appear on the right to show the list of available custom fields.

You can choose one or more custom fields, then these chosen fields will be shown below default fields

After filling all fields, you can save your changes for current chosen motator to continue to last step

Saving the job

From the "Job Preview" screen we can name the job, categorize it, and write a description for it.

Names are a text box and accept various characters. They are used else where to identify transactions related to the job. Using a clear name will help identify when the job is used elsewhere.

Jobs currently only have the category "manual". This will be extended in the future.

Descriptions are a short description to help you identify the purpose of each job.

We'll provide a simple name "my-first-job". Give it the "manual" category. And write a small description about the job.

After filling out the final details for the job, we can finally create the job and prepare to sync our content. Press the "Create the job" button in the bottom right to save the job.

Also you can review your chosen endpoints and motator binaries

After all, just click on the Create the job button

After creating the job, you will return to the "Jobs" screen where all the created jobs are listed. And we can see our new job.

Now that we have a job created, we can "Run" the job to perform a sync and start a transaction.

Job Page Deep Dive

Viewing the Job Page

To view a list of all the jobs, select "Jobs" on the left.

On this page, you can view all the jobs you have created. There are a few pieces of information you can see for a job from this page.

All jobs will display their:

  • Name

  • Category

  • Number of sources and destinations

  • Transaction actions

  • Status (able to run or not)

  • Additional actions for the job

Filtering jobs

You can filter jobs by searching by name. Simply type the name of the job into the search box to filter the jobs.

Transaction Actions

There are two actions a job can do to start a transaction.

  1. Immediately run a transaction

    1. more details can be found in the "Starting a Transaction" section

  2. Schedule when a transaction should run

    1. more details can be found in the "Scheduling Jobs and Pipelines" section

More Actions

There are a number of additional actions that can be performed for a job. Simply find the job you want to perform the action for and press the downward arrow to view the list of actions.

Run Diff Report

The "Run Diff Report" action will start a diff report transaction. This transaction is a special type of transaction that will not sync data to the destination endpoints. It will only pickup data to create a diff report from.

Note: To successfully run a diff report, the endpoints will need to using level 3 connectors as well as have both source and destination config.

To start a diff report only sync of a job select the "Run Diff Report" action.

This will start a diff report transaction for that job.

You can then find this transaction in the "Reports" page of the UI.

Cancel Job

When you start a transaction for a job, you can cancel the transaction from continuing to run. This will stop it from continuing further in the process.

Editing a job

To edit a job, select the "Edit" action.

This action will show a similar screen as when you created a job. From this screen you will be able to add additional endpoints, remove unnecessary endpoints, and edit job options for endpoints.

To add a new endpoint press the "Pick Endpoint" button for a new endpoint.

To Remove an endpoint, press the 'x' button next to the added endpoints list.

To edit an endpoint's job options, press the pencil button next to the endpoint in the endpoint list.

Download Job Creation

From here, a single json file will be created, that has ALL the REST commands to totally create ALL Endpoints and the Job complete with all details to recreate that exact Job assuming nothing exists.

Popup will show when the file is creating. You can close it by clicking outside, the progress will still run in the background.

A bash script file will need prompts to be downloaded. Please save!

You can view a list of commands by opening that saved script file. Or just run it to create new job.

Warning: Remember to replace your impulse username and password to $IMPULSE_USERNAME and $IMPULSE___PASSWORD environment before running the script. Otherwise, you are not authenticated

Job Options

Job Options are details for how the job will pickup and sync data to or from the endpoint. They can be added when viewing an endpoint and pressing the "See More Options" button.

This opens a drawer from which you can select which job options to add.

There are a number of types of job options.

  • Text

  • Integer

  • Decimal

  • Boolean

  • Array

These different types of job options interact differently when added to an endpoint.


Shown by a simple text box. Value is set by typing text into it.


Shown by a text box with two arrows. Only accepts whole numbers typed into the text box. Value is set by typing whole numbers into it.


Takes a decimal value. Works similar to Integer.

No example.


Shown with a toggle switch. Takes a true/false value. Use the toggle switch to set true or false.


Shown with a text box and a "+" button. Can take multiple text values. To add an additional value, press the "+" button to add a new text box to input the new value into.

Bulk Job Creation

Before creating the job, you have the option to create multiple jobs in bulk. This allows you to create additional jobs based on the job your about to save. The bulk job creator allows for setting the name of additional jobs and modifying the job options for each selected endpoint.

This can be used to create many jobs that each sync a separate folder, or create all the jobs to sync all the required content types.

You can add another job by pressing the "Add Job" button.

This will allow you to select what endpoints you want to adjust the job options for.

Once the endpoints are selected, if the connectors for those endpoints support listing content types they will be listed here allowing you to quickly add the contentType option for the endpoint.

When you're finished adding additional jobs, you can create all these jobs by pressing the "Save Bulk Jobs" button.

Then the jobs page will have all the job created.

Last updated